No medication is without risk, but each of us must determine for ourselves whether the risks of vaccinating our cats and other pets outweigh the benefits….or visa versa.
It is our belief that real health comes from the inside out and involves diet and nutrition rather than medications which primarily treat symptoms. A healthy animal will have an immune system that is able to combat disease more effectively than any vaccine could enable it to do. We believe when you buy any pet whose breeder has focused on building their animals health from the inside out rather than just vaccinating, you are getting a pet of far superior health. We are including this information on our website because we think the ideal is for you to have all the science and information before making your decision about giving vaccines to your pets.
A kitten obtains it’s immune system from it’s mother until it is weaned (generally between 9 to 12 weeks of age). If the mother has had excellent nutrition herself, and the kittens are also given the highest quality of species appropriate food, then when they are weaned they will have a good immune system of their own beginning to develop. By the time they are 4-5 months old (16-20 weeks) their immune response should be fairly strong. If after reading the pros and cons, you choose to vaccinate, we encourage waiting until your kitten is at least 4 or 5 months of age, doing vaccines at least 4-5 months apart and NEVER at the same time as a surgery or when they are not feeling well.

Another way to protect a kitten’s health is to provide nutrients during it’s growth which have demonstrated scientific benefits through higher antibody levels and much stronger immune responses than those not given supplementation. Extensive research has shown that certain nutrients (such as probiotics) can stimulate the kitten’s immune system, creating a faster and stronger immune response to pathogens.
You can read the science and experiences of others that have helped to form some of our beliefs about vaccines below. You will also read about booster and vaccine toxicity on the following sites:
- Medical information on Effects of Vaccines in pets – http://www.holisticat.com/en/caveats-and-cautions/12-vaccination.html
- Expert Info. on Pet vaccines – http://healthypets.mercola.com/sites/healthypets/archive/2013/07/03/new-pet-vaccination-protocol.aspx
- Dr. Pierson’s experience and findings – http://www.catinfo.org/?link=vaccines
- Allergic Reactions to Vaccines – https://wagwalking.com/cat/condition/allergic-reaction-to-vaccines
- Variety of Articles on Vaccines – http://www.ebvet.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=2
- WHY Over-vaccination Occurs – http://healthypets.mercola.com/sites/healthypets/archive/2010/03/31/high-cost-of-pet-vaccinations.aspx
- About Rabies Vaccines – https://www.vetinfo.com/rabies-vaccine-side-effects-for-cats.html
- Testimonials and Variety of Articles:

Some people use the Homeopathic Remedy called Lyssin (small pellets that dissolve in the mouth) to help counter negative side effects of rabies vaccine. (You may also want to research about live vs. killed vaccines for greater understanding.)
a. http://www.nbcnews.com/id/8572826/ns/health-pet_health/t/still-vaccinating-your-pet-every-year/
b. http://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/lifelong-immunity-vets/
c. http://vitalanimal.com/vacc-efficacy/