In the beginning was the Shepherd,
and the Shepherd was with God,
and the Shepherd was God.
The Shepherd was with God in the beginning.
Through the Shepherd
all things were made;
without him nothing was made
that has been made.
In the Shepherd is LIFE,
and that life is the light of man!
(Paraphrase of John 1:1-4)
This site, our lives, our cats, and all who live at the Shepherd’s Lair, belong to the Jesus the Great Shepherd. Without Him we would not exist or be able to do good or have the capacity to enjoy the rest of His amazing Creation.

To some people caring for Highland Lynx cats and other animals may seem a trivial pursuit, but we hope that everything we do is because we are following His lead. He made each of these marvelous Creatures for a purpose and we believe caring for them and the world that He gave us is part of being good stewards.
Prov. 12:10 The righteous care for the needs of their animals,
but the wicked are always cruel.
It is our desire to honor our Savior and Shepherd in all we say and do and that is true for this website as well. We wish to be a blessing in some way to each of our visitors whom we greatly appreciate. We genuinely hope you will find evidence of the living Shepherd on our site and that, it will touch your life.