About You…..and Pet Parenting
Are You Ready For a Highland Lynx kitten?
Pet Parenting Criteria:
If you wish to be a pet parent, it is extremely important that both you and your kitten be happy and satisfied with the match. Many nice people think it would be fun to have a Highland Lynx kitten or cat as a pet, without really being aware of what is entailed in pet parenting or a caring for a kitten.

To help you determine whether you are ready for one of these marvelous cats, we have put together a checklist of criteria for you to review. If you can answer these questions positively, then a Highland Lynx kitten may be the cat for you.
- Are you a true cat lover?
We talk to a lot of people who think they would like to have a cat but may not know what all that entails. Some want to buy an exotic cat (that has the markings and looks of a wild cat), so they can stand out among other pet owners as being cool. Some want a companion that does not need to go for walks and takes up less space. Regardless of the reason someone may want a cat, any potential pet owner must be aware of the daily time-consuming responsibilities of cleaning and scooping cat litter, play/exercise time with kitty, brushing, feeding, clipping nails, careful ear cleaning, etc. Highlanders and Desert Lynx cats are not good pets for those not prepared to happily invest time and energy in their well-being.
- Can you afford to care for a Highland Lynx cat?

Besides the time and cost involved in buying your Highland kitten, there are a few other investments you will need to make.
To maintain maximum health, Highland Lynx cats should ideally be fed high quality foods (ie. raw, organic and grain-free) that are more expensive than average grocery store brands. You will also need to be prepared for the expense of occasional vet care for your kitten (ie. spay/neuter), a cat tree, toys, nail clippers, pans and cat litter, supplements and so forth.
- Is someone home a large percentage of the time?
Highland Lynx cats require an investment of time and energy in order to become the loving companions we desire. Often exotic cats like the Highland Lynx, which are extra intelligent, will become bored or stressed from lack of attention which can lead to behavioral issues.
These cats tend to form strong bonds with their human family. If you are not home for at least half the day; if you have more indoor pets than you can give individual time to, or cannot take the time to train, play with care for and love your kitten, this is not the breed for you.
- Does anyone smoke in the house?

According to research, second-hand smoke can be more dangerous to children and pets than if they smoked themselves. Since your kitten or cat cannot choose it’s environment for itself, it is important that you do not expose it to a smoke filled environment that can damage it’s lungs.
The lungs of a cat are very tiny compared to a humans. They also inhale more frequently and respirate faster and thus require fresh, clean air at all times. Whatever is in the air of your home, on the floor or furniture, etc. will be part of what they breathe (or come in contact with) and can be very toxic to them. (This includes perfumes, chemical cleaners, air fresheners, etc.) *If anyone smokes inside your home, please do not consider bringing an Highland kitten or cat into it.
5. Do you have a suitable amount of indoor space?
Highland Lynx kittens are born and raised indoors as part of the breeders family in most cases. They are not familiar with outdoor predators, the dangers of highways, etc. We cannot count the number of terrible stories from pet parents who allowed their lynx cat to go outdoors without supervision. These beautiful exotic cats have been stolen, killed or injured in a hundred different way when they have been allowed to roam freely outdoors.

They do need room to play and run and climb however, so you will need to be sure you have adequate space indoors, or safely contained outdoor areas for play before deciding to purchase a kitten.
6. Are you prepared to deal with Kitty Claws?
As we all know, kittens have sharp claws and those claws only get bigger as they grow. Those sharp nails can wreak havoc on your skin and clothes, your furniture, curtains etc. if not dealt with properly. That means regular nail trimming, scratching posts through-out the home and in extreme cases possibly nail covers.
UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES IS DECLAWING EVER AN ACCEPTABLE OPTION! Declawing is a cruel and inhumane procedure which can cause a number of serious life-long side effects and personality changes! Please see our Page on Declawing for further dangers of this surgery.
Thank You for reading our Pet Parent Criteria!
As you can probably tell, Highland Lynx cats are very much like children and their well-being is very important to us. After reading our Criteria, if you feel you are ready for pet parenting, we would love to work with you to help you find the right breeder and kitten. Feel free to contact us for a referral to a quality Highland Lynx Breeder