Shepherds Lair Lynx Surreal

Welcome to Shepherd’s domain and the Lair of the wildly beautiful Highland Lynx Cat! We hope you enjoy your visit and will find helpful information within these pages.

 Here you will find a wealth of information about Highland Lynx Kittens and cats in general, including the yearly “Exotic Highland Lynx Cat Calendar”. If you love the Highland Lynx or Highlander Cats, you will love our calendar which is full of stunning photos of Lynx Cats and Kittens. You will also find valuable information about the Highland Lynx and it’s origins; natural feeding instructions as well as some recommended products and tips for holistic care and treatment.

(NOTE: We are retired and no longer breeding so there are NO Highland Lynx kittens for sale. Please Contact Us if you need to find a quality breeder.)

Why Your Cat Needs Probiotics

Cats, just like us, have a gut microbiome – which means there is a delicate balance of good and bad bacteria in their intestines. This balance is important for digestion, nutrient absorption, and... READ MORE

Note To Breeders

If you are breeding Highland Lynx Cats and have not yet registered your cattery and/or kittens, you will want to visit the Rare and Exotic Feline Registry to do so! REFR is under... READ MORE

Lynxes That We Love!

The Highland Lynx is like no other breed of cat we have ever been owned by. 🙂 These larger than average felines come in incredible variety and have the amazing markings of the... READ MORE

Gallery of Kittens

We hope you will enjoy these pictures of our furr babies and some of our past Highland Lynx kittens and Desert Lynx kittens as well. Thankfully many of our wonderful past buyers stay... READ MORE

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